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91¹ÙÍø Week 3 Term 3 2024


Principal’s Report

Japanese Exchange Program with Kasukabe High School

It was a short visit, but over the past week a group of staff and students from our partner school in Japan were here to deepen their English language skills and immerse themselves in the local culture.

It was great to see how the students were able to re-kindle the bonds made last year when we visited Kasukabe. Thank you to our host families and staff for all your assistance.

Here is a photograph of the staff involved in this year’s exchange.

From Kasukabe High School, Mr Kiyohiro Kakusaka, Principal, Ms Kaori Ozawa, English Teacher, and Mr Yuici Yanagida, Geography Teacher.

From MHS, Dr Tony Mordini, Principal, and Japanese language teachers, Mr Masaya Fujino (also program coordinator), Ms Yuko Inaba, Dr Shaun Kemp, and Ms Bin Bin Liu.

Australian U19 Cricket Team

Congratulations to Vishwa Ramkumar (MHS class of 2023) who has been selected in the Australian U19 cricket side to tour India this coming September.

STEM Competitions

This past week several students have participated in various STEM-related competitions.

The Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC) Round Two

The OUCC helps students develop the skills required to produce programmed solutions to computational problems.

Participants need to be familiar with Blockly or other coding languages (depending on the division).

The OUCC is a two-round competition. The first round is an open competition and builds on the principles used in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition. The second round is by invitation only. It is extended to students who have performed well in the first round and is used to identify suitability for the AMT’s high-performance programs.

Our participants for the Round Two competition were:

  • Lucas Chan 12M
  • Jonah Lau 11K
  • Brendan Liang 10G
  • Khoi Tang 10M

Thank you Mr Hardy for coordinating this activity.

The Australian Science Olympiads Exam

  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology

The Australian Science Olympiads is one of Australia’s most prestigious science programs.

While the goal of the Australian Science Olympiads is to select a team to represent Australia at the International Science Olympiads, students also have a chance to be selected for various extension programs that will challenge and extend their science knowledge. Nearly 200 students participated in the exam across the four disciplines. This is the first step. As the Australian Science Olympiads website notes –

‘The program consists of three stages:

Competing in one or more Australian Science Olympiad Exam; offered in biology, chemistry, Earth and environmental science, and physics.

Being invited to attend the Australian Science Olympiad Summer School in one of the four disciplines.

Being selected to represent Australia at an International Science Olympiad.’

I wish all the participants the very best of luck.

Thank you to Mr Cogo and Ms De Bomford for their leadership and coordination.

10L Millgrove Camp

This past week 10L has had the opportunity to go to camp and this included a day at Lake Mountain. As you can see by the photograph, it was a perfect day. Thank you to the staff, Leading Teacher Ms Wilson, Form Teacher, Ms Garrett, and our trainees and student mentors who put in many hours to ensure students are safe and have an extensive and challenging outdoor education program.

Dr Tony Mordini



Looking ahead

  • 7 August: Year 12 Formal
  • 8 August: Curriculum Day
  • 19 – 21 August: Prefects’ Cup
  • 29 August – 1 September: Combined School Play
  • 6 September: House Cross Country

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